As you most likely know, it can be difficult to see inside your chimney. There could be blockages and other damage that can make your chimney unsafe to use. This is why it is so important to have your chimney professionally inspected every year. The chimney sweeps from Olde Towne Chimney & Fireplace Sales have been trained and certified to inspect chimneys from the CSIA. Whether you need a basic Level 1 inspection, a more in-depth Level 2 inspection, or the most detailed Level 3 inspection, our chimney sweeps will provide excellent inspection services. If we find any damage, we will be sure to provide you with evidence of this damage as well as make repair recommendations.Make a professional chimney sweeping and inspection part of your spring cleaning routine. Contact us at Olde Towne Chimney & Fireplace Sales to schedule an appointment for these important maintenance services today.