- Heating Capacity: Up to 2,500 Sq. Ft.
- Maximum Burn Time: Up to 12 Hrs.
- Log Length: 24”
- Maximum BTUs: Up to 83,220 (Burn on high)
- Real World BTUs: EPA tests to determine BTU output are achieved with a single load of wood at each burn rate. At home, you are likely to add more wood to your insert to maintain your desired comfort level. By the simple process of loading your insert with additional wood, you could achieve up to a 20% higher heat output than established during EPA testing.
- Emissions: 1.7 Grams/Hr. (Cord Wood)
- LHV Overall Efficiency:* Up to 79%
- HHV Overall Efficiency:* Up to 73%
- Firebox: 3.0 Cubic Ft.